Research at Brandeis

Faculty Research

Check out the game-changing research being conducted in Brandeis labs and in the field.

Long-term trends show that in many occupations a portion of workers received more education than needed.

Han's lab focuses on the light-matter interaction in a variety of material systems ranging from photo-switching molecules to inorganic 2D crystals. Particularly, Han's research group investigates light-induced phase change and molecular arrangement in pursuit of energy storage systems which interact with photons.

Republican-led efforts to limit voting access could weaken election turnout and, ultimately, democracy.

These findings emphasize the need to significantly expand naloxone distribution in most states, ideally through community-based programs and more broadly through pharmacies, as well as the need for increased harm reduction measures that reduce the likelihood of unwitnessed overdoses.

VIDEO: Thousands of feet below the earth's surface, Brandeis scientists participated in an international search for the stuff that makes up most of the universe.