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Chat With an Advocate

Have a question? Need to talk? Just want to say hi? Chat with an advocate any weekday classes are in session from 12-5 p.m. ET.

Bystander Training and More

PARC hosts events, workshops, trainings and more for all members of the Brandeis community. Explore our curricula and schedule to learn more and sign up.


Have feedback for us? We invite you to let us know what we are doing well and/or what we could be doing better.

Connect With Us

PARC is here for you! You can still meet with advocates, attend workshops and engage in anti-violence work with us. Read our FAQ to learn more about how to connect with us.


Providing education, empowerment and support related to violence, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence and stalking.

The Prevention, Advocacy & Resource Center (PARC) is a confidential, student-centered resource serving members of the Brandeis community who have been impacted by violence and those who want to contribute to the anti-violence movement. 


PARC offers lots of different workshops, events and online resources to understand the roots of violence and learn applicable skills for anti-violence work.
Violence Prevention Education

Our prevention team facilitates trainings open to all students, as well as available by request for students, faculty and staff.


Throughout the year, and especially during January (Stalking Awareness Month), April (Sexual Assault Awareness Month) and October (Domestic Violence Awareness Month), we host and co-host events, campaigns, and more. 


Confidential advocates are available in a variety of ways to talk about something you've experienced, explore options, discuss concerns about someone you know, and much more. Click here to see a list of just some of the things you can talk to an advocate about.

Peer Advocates

Peer Advocates are available for drop-ins, online chat or by appointment to those who have been impacted by violence, as well as those supporting them.

Staff Advocates

Our two full-time staff members can provide more in-depth, ongoing advocacy. You are welcome to meet with a peer advocate first, then ask to be scheduled with a professional staff person or you can schedule with a professional staff person directly. 


PARC seeks to engage the Brandeis community to normalize anti-violence by providing our own resources and connecting folks to others. 

Learn More...

Explore PARC's handouts and recommendations for articles, videos, and other scholarship related to our work. 

Event Support

If you are hosting an event that addresses topics related to our work, PARC peer advocates can be present to support participants who wish to talk to someone during or after the event. 

Stay Connected!

Sign up for our newsletter for monthly updates, events and more.